In 1998, the U.S. Coast Guard hired us to develop a long-range strategy using our scenario planning methodology. The project became known as “Long View.” Five scenarios were developed to evaluate both current and potentially new missions and strategic options for the Coast Guard, across a range of plausible national security and maritime transportation environments. The project had the personal attention of the Commandant, who participated in all key workshops, as did a large number of Flag officers from headquarters and the operating regions. The final “Adopt-a-World” workshop identified and evaluated nearly two dozen initiatives that appeared to work across a majority of plausible future scenario worlds. Our team members, along with a counterpart group of Coast Guard officers and civilian employees, synthesized the key insights and produced a 10-point, long-range strategic plan. Each of the 10 points contained corresponding implementation considerations, which together formed a roadmap for executing the strategies. One of the strategies, “Maritime Domain Awareness,” became the centerpiece of the Coast Guard’s post-September 11th Homeland Security effort.